Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Jail diaries returned to Mandela

BBC NEWS | Africa | Jail diaries returned to Mandela:

"He said the notebooks were 'more than just the working documents of a prisoner' and represented 'the hope that we can recover memories and stories suppressed by the apartheid regime'."
An oppressive regime can confiscate a man's notebooks, property and even 'life,' but can they ever confiscate his dream?

إن استطاعوا مُصادرة مفكِّرات رجلٍ، أو ممتلكاته، أو حتّى حياته على هذه الأرض، فهل يستطيعون مُصادرة حلمه؟

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Religious legacy lives on in Alaska

BBC NEWS | Americas | Religious legacy lives on in Alaska
The Russian Orthodox church in Alaska is claiming a resurgence in a faith that most people predicted would die out.
I'm not linking this article to favor a religion or a denomination over another. I'm linking it because it is a sign of hope that some human activity can survive, resurge, and persist peacefully without a violent noisy struggle.

لم أربط هذا الخبر لكي أقول إنّ استمرار الكنيسة الأرثوذكسيّة الروسيّة في ألاسكا علامة رجاء للمسيحيين أو للأرثوذكس؛فهذاالأمر يتوقف على القارئ: البعض سيرون هذا علامة رجاء ويفرحون، والبعض سيرونه علامة رجعيّة. لكنّني أرى علامة رجاء -بغض النظر عن عقيدة القارئ ونظرته- في أنّ جماعة من البشر حافظت على تراثها وأعادته إلى وجود أقوى من ذي قبل دون لجوء لعنف أو كفاح مسلح صاخب.

Forgiveness, again and again...

(A COURSE IN MIRACLES - Lesson 121 -p214)

"A judge gives forgiveness by freeing people; a mother forgives the villain who slew her teen-aged daughter; a father's first words when learning of his baby's murder was that he forgave the perpetrator; and on and on it goes."

Forgiveness is my only function, and it all comes back to me as forgiveness for my self for all of my imperfections. My only goal is the peace of God - a peace that passes all understanding. Forgiveness is the way to peace.
--- © by Ray Hart

PNN Home Page

The Positive News Network

I never heard about a network that posts "positive news". It is in itself a good sign that I could find this network. I hope that the news posted their are really signs for hope.

شيء مشجّع جدّاً...
لم أسمع من قبل عن شبكة للأنباء الإيجابيّة. عثوري عليها في حدّ ذاته فاتحة خير وأتمنّى أن يكون بالموقع فعلاً علامات للرجاء.

I believe in forgiveness

The Justice of Forgiveness:

"A few years ago an evangelical couple were in the news when their child was the victim of some horrendous crime. The couple forgave the perpetrator of the crime on national TV, and they said that they were doing so because of their Christian convictions."
Forgiveness.. a hope to end wars??

مشوار السلام وإنهاء الحروب يبدأ بفعل غفران بسيط...

'Dream centre' of the brain found

BBC NEWS | Health | 'Dream centre' of the brain found:(open in a new page)

"A team from the University Hospital of Zurich, Switzerland, made the discovery after treating a woman who stopped dreaming after she had a stroke.
It had affected an area deep in the back of the brain - and they suggest this is the area controlling dreaming.
The researchers, writing in the Annals of Neurology, say the finding offers a new focus for dream research."

What doesn't kill you make you stronger!
رُبّ ضارّةٍ نافعة!